Plagiocephaly posts: Summary of our posts "The Road to our Baby's Round Head"
Plagiocephaly Research and Links
Here are questions I asked myself and research found as I learned more about plagiocephaly, side effects and treatments. If you have anything to add, please contact us using the "Bat Phone" in the top right column.
How else can Plagiocephaly be treated? Is a band/helmet the only answer?
1. Repositioning (aggressive repositioning)
I found a great deal of information at the Yahoo Group on Plagiocephaly. Here is a direct link to their Repositioning Headquarters. It's a great resource and I love the group!
2. Other FDA approved helmets/bands. The ones that I read about were STAR, DOC and Hanger. Do a search on for "DOC vs. STAR band" and you'll get some great results.
3. Osteopathic therapy
I only found this reasearch AFTER we had the helmet, when I started researching ear infection treatments. Apparently, some Osteopaths specialize in cranial manipulation:
What is Cranial Osteopathy?
Cranial osteopathy, or Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, is a sub-specialty of OMM. Although most cranial osteopaths are D.O.s, there are M.D.s, D.M.D.s and D.D.S.s who are cranial osteopaths, as well. Cranial osteopathy is an expansion of the general principles of osteopathy. Source:
Support Groups
I already mentioned the Yahoo Group.
BabyCenter Plagiocephaly Support Group
I absolutely love is the moms in this group. They are super quick to answer questions for each other.
Other parent blogs/websites
Also check out the DOC Band parent websites listed at Cranial Tech. Some of them are outdated but you'll get a great sense of the journey and how the kids (and parents!) managed through it. Some of their pictures are absolutely amazing. What a transformation!
Do kids with plagiocephaly tend to be more prone to ear infections?
The theory is that "yes" they are, but from what I read, not enough research has been done to satisfy my curiosity. We are on our 3rd ear infection in 4 months so I'm looking for other solutions. Here is a quick read:
THURSDAY, Sept. 24 2009 (HealthDay News) -- Infants with severely flat heads caused by their sleep position have a higher-than-normal rate of ear infections, a new study has found.
SOURCE: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, news release, Sept. 24, 2009
Disclaimer: please remember that I am NOT a doctor or medical professional of any sort. This is just a courtesy list and I encourage everyone to talk to MULTIPLE professionals before making a final decision on what to do about their baby's plagiocephaly (or similar).