Thursday, August 5, 2010

Introducing "Superheroes", A Parenting Blog

Like many moms, I've become a superhero.  That's right, I said it.  In my opinion, being a parent (not just a mom) is just like being a superhero.

During pregnancy we go through the metamorphosis from normal humans to super humans.  Our bodies can suddenly create another being, endure the pain of child birth and once they are born, our super powers emerge!  We have super powers?  Yep, think about it...

  • We can leap from tall buildings.  Weren't we able to jump out of bed after a c-section or natural child birth to feed a baby every 2 hours?  And didn't dad manage to go to work the next day and function?  I bet you leaping from one building to another hurt Superman less than that!

  • We read minds.  How else do we know how to decipher different types of cries?

  • We can tolerate mind control. Aren't we surviving 'advice' from mom, mom-in-law, neighbor, nurse, boss, and others that thought you needed it even though you didn't ask?  And wasn't that  when you JUST had the baby and your emotions were at their all-time high?!  Did I mention no sleep?

  • We have 'Spidey-sense'.  Haven't we caught our baby a million times before he or she hit the ground?

  • And I hear that someday, I may have to take my first bullet.  I've met the parents that survived the first time that a child says " mommy, I hate you!".  My own mom and mom-in-law have both told me that story!  It sounds funny now, but I know it's going to break my heart.

So in actuality, even without all those superpowers, parents really do these amazing things.

This is why I've joined the mommy and daddy blogging world.  To meet other superheroes, fight the villains, share stories about won and lost battles.  It'll be an adventure to explore the world of parenthood with the rest of you.  Raise your hand if you are a superhero of any kind and join our journey!

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