So for those of you that don't know, I am the CEO of a start-up media agency that owns the site We've been crazy busy following distracted driving laws and more importantly, building our Distracted Driving Education and Resolution section, which launches soon.
We are looking for any technical and non-technical solutions to the distracted driving problem, particularly texting while driving. Also looking for any bloggers or writers that are already writing about child safety and accident prevention on the road, in parks, etc. Anyone in this category can get featured on the site at no cost, so please use the "Bat Phone" form on the top right to get in touch with me personally.
My own personal eye opening day.....
When we started to focus on this, my husband and I both became more aware of how much we were putting ourselves in jeopardy over such a stupid decision. We would never drink and drive, but we both admitted to glancing at our phones for "a quick second" when something popped up on the screen. This made us change that habit: when traveling at 55 MPH, a driver texting for 6 seconds actually looks away from the road for 4.6 seconds of it. The car can travel the LENGTH OF A FOOTBALL field in that time! You can read the details on that here.
So moms and dads, I hope that convinces you to stay off your handhelds while you are driving! Our kids need us to be role models in this. Please forward this to anyone you know that might be interested in partnering with us to fight this growing problem.
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